Synthetic Accessibility Score
- DFRscore: Introduces a deep learning-based scoring system for synthetic complexity, utilizing retrosynthetic analysis to evaluate the synthesizability of compounds for virtual screening purposes.
- Emin: Emin: A First-Principles Thermochemical Descriptor for Predicting Molecular Synthesizability
- Fscore: FSscore: A Personalized Machine Learning‐Based Synthetic Feasibility Score
- led3score:
- RAScore: rapid machine learned synthesizability classification from AI driven retrosynthetic planning.
- SAScore: The Synthetic Accessibility Score (SAScore) aims to assess the synthetic difficulty of chemical compounds.
- SCscore: SCScore is a synthetic complexity score that assigns a value between 1 and 5 to a molecule, based on the premise that published reactions should exhibit an increase in synthetic complexity.
- SYBA: SYnthetic BAyesian classifier (SYBA) is a Python package for the classification of organic compounds as easy-to-synthesize (ES) or hard-to-synthesize (ES).