Docking Score Prediction
- AL-VS: Large-Scale Pretraining Improves Sample Efficiency of Active Learning-Based Virtual Screening
- ChemProp: Evidential Deep Learning for Guided Molecular Property Prediction and Discovery
- Conformalpredictor: Rapid Traversal of Ultralarge Chemical Space using Machine Learning Guided Docking Screens (standalone).
- DeepDocking: Deep Docking: A Deep Learning Platform for Augmentation of Structure Based Drug Discovery
- DeepDockingGUI: Deep docking (DD) is a deep learning-based tool developed to accelerate docking-based virtual screening (standalone).
- HASTEN: Machine Learning Boosted Docking (HASTEN): An Open‐source Tool To Accelerate Structure‐based Virtual Screening Campaigns
- molpal: Molecular Pool-based Active Learning
- PyRMD2Dock: Streamlining Large Chemical Library Docking with Artificial Intelligence: the PyRMD2Dock (and PyRMD) (ultralarge screening - 2023) (standalone).
- RAD: Retrieval Augmented Docking (standalone, 2024).