- CATS-descriptor: Chemically Advanced Template Search (CATS) for Scaffold‐Hopping and Prospective Target Prediction for ‘Orphan’ Molecules
- ChemDes: An integrated web-based platform for molecular descriptor and fingerprint computation.
- ChemoPy: A Python library for calculating chemical descriptors for QSAR/SAR/QSPR studies.
- Datagrok: Descriptors in Datagrok
- DescriptaStorus: Provides a framework for computing chemistry descriptors and (optionally) storing them for machine learning applications.
- DompeKeys: a new substructure-based fingerprint descriptor, encoding patterns of functional groups and chemical features
- GuideMol: A tool for guiding molecular design through machine learning models.
- MoleculaPy: A command-line application that utilizes the RDKit library to compute molecular descriptors and fingerprints, aiding in the analysis and characterization of chemical structures.
- Molecular3DLengthDescriptors: Provides descriptors based on the three-dimensional lengths of molecules.
- mordred: A molecular descriptor calculator that is extendable and supports various chemical informatics tasks.
- PaDEL: A software for calculating molecular descriptors and fingerprints.
- PadelPy: A Python wrapper for PaDEL-Descriptor software (standalone)
- Spectrophores: Calculates spectrophoric descriptors that capture electronic and spatial properties of molecules.
- SPOC: A tool for calculating spatial and physicochemical descriptors from molecular dynamics simulations.
- WHALES Descriptors: compute Weighted Holistic Atom Localization and Entity Shape (WHALES) descriptors starting from an rdkit supplier file
- SPMS: spherical projection descriptor of molecular stereostructure (SPMS), which allows precise representation of the molecular vdW surface.
- DrugMetric: Quantitative Drug-likeness Scoring Based on Chemical Space Distance
- QED: Offers the Quantitative Estimate of Drug-likeness for a given molecular structure.
Fragment-Based Descriptors
From MD Simulations
- PyL3dMD: A Python library for 3D molecular descriptors calculation from molecular dynamics simulations.
Functional Groups
- pyCheckmol: application for detecting functional groups of a molecule, created using features from the compiled checkmol
- molli: molli: A General Purpose Python Toolkit for Combinatorial Small Molecule Library Generation, Manipulation, and Feature Extraction
Synthetic Accessibility
- DFRscore: Introduces a deep learning-based scoring system for synthetic complexity, utilizing retrosynthetic analysis to evaluate the synthesizability of compounds for virtual screening purposes.
- Emin: Emin: A First-Principles Thermochemical Descriptor for Predicting Molecular Synthesizability
- RAScore: rapid machine learned synthesizability classification from AI driven retrosynthetic planning.
- SAScore: The Synthetic Accessibility Score (SAScore) aims to assess the synthetic difficulty of chemical compounds.
- SCscore: SCScore is a synthetic complexity score that assigns a value between 1 and 5 to a molecule, based on the premise that published reactions should exhibit an increase in synthetic complexity.