AmberTools: open source component of the non-open source Amber package
ProDy: ProDy is a Python package for analyzing protein dynamics and sequence co-evolution, offering tools for comparative modeling and analysis of protein structural dynamics.
LOOS: C++ library (with Python bindings) for reading and analyzing molecular dynamics trajectories
MDAnalysis: MDAnalysis: A Python Package for the Rapid Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
MDTraj: MDTraj is a Python library for analyzing molecular dynamics trajectories, offering a wide range of functionalities for trajectory manipulation and analysis.
simpletraj: lightweight Python library for parsing molecular dynamics trajectories
Markov models
MSMBuilder: Python library for building Markov models of high-dimensional trajectory data
PyEMMA: Python library for performing kinetic and thermodynamic analyses of molecular dynamics simulations using Markov models
PDB2PQR: prepares structures for electrostatics calculations
Packmol: Packmol creates initial configurations for molecular dynamics simulations by packing molecules to meet specified conditions, aiding in the setup of simulation boxes.