Few shot learning
- AttFPGNN: Meta Learning with Attention Based FP-GNNs for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction
- FewGS: This repository contains source code and datasets for "Few-Shot Graph and SMILES Learning for Molecular Property Prediction."
- Few-Shot-Learning-for-Low-Data-Drug-Discovery: Low Data Drug Discovery with One-Shot Learning
- FS-Mol: A Few-Shot Learning Dataset of Molecules
- KRGTS: Knowledge-enhanced Relation Graph and Task Sampling for Few-shot Molecular Property Prediction
- Meta-MGNN:
- MHNfs: Context-enriched molecule representations improve few-shot drug discovery, available on HuggingFace
- MolFesCue: molecular property prediction in Data-Limited and imbalanced contexts using Few-Shot and contrastive learning
- PG-DERN: Property-Aware Relation Networks for Few-Shot Molecular Property Prediction