- CORAL: Clear and customizable visualization of human kinome data (Kinase) (online)
- KIBA: An integrated drug–target bioactivity matrix across 52498 chemical compounds and 467 kinase targets (dataset)
- Kinase Atlas: contains solvent mapping results for all kinases in the Protein Data Bank. You can search this database by PDB ID or by UniProt accession number (online)
- KinaseMD: kinase mutations and drug response database (online)
- KinBase: kinase (online)
- KinCoRe: A web resource for protein kinase sequence, structure and phylogeny (online)
- KinMap: a web-based tool for interactive navigation through human kinome data (kinase) (online)
- Kinome Render: look at kinase family (standalone)
- KLIFS: Kinase-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints and Structures database is a database that revolves around the protein structure of catalytic kinase domains and the way kinase inhibitors can interact with them (online database)
- ProfKin: A Comprehensive Web Server for Structure-based Kinase Selectivity Profiling (online)