Natural Products

  • BIOFACQUIM: novel compounds databse with natural products isolated and charcterized in Mexico (online)

  • COCONUT: COCONUT hosts one of the largest and best annotated natural product databases, freely available and undergoing continuous curation and improvement.

    Publication JIF

  • HIT 2.0: an enhanced platform for Herbal Ingredients' Targets (online)

    Publication JIF

  • LOTUS: LOTUS is a significant, well-annotated resource for natural products, offering a user-friendly experience including structural search, taxonomy-oriented queries, and exports.

    Publication JIF

  • NPASS: Natural product activity and species source database

    Publication JIF

  • Natural product subsets (DIFACQUIM): Natural product datasets (diverse with Python code to generate diversity) (dataset)
    Code Last Commit


  • Nubbe: a natural products database from the biodiversity of Brazil (online)

  • PeruNPDB: the Peruvian Natural Products Database for in silico drug screening (database)

  • Super Natural II: a database of natural products (online)

    Publication JIF

  • SymMap: SymMap integrates traditional Chinese medicine with modern medicine through molecular mechanisms and symptom mapping, offering information on herbs, ingredients, targets, symptoms, and diseases.

    Publication JIF

  • TCM Database@Taiwan: the world's largest traditional Chinese medicine database for drug screening in silico (online)

  • TCMSID: a simplified integrated database for drug discovery from traditional chinese medicine (online)

    Publication JIF

  • VIETHERB: A Database for Vietnamese Herbal Species - Natural products (online)

  • iSMART: an integrated cloud computing web server for traditional Chinese medicine for online virtual screening, de novo evolution and drug design (online)

  • npatlas: The Natural Products Atlas 2.0: A Database of Microbially-Derived Natural Products (online)