Balloon: Generating Conformer Ensembles Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm
Conforge: CDPKit conformer generator
Conformator: a novel method for the Generation of Conformer Ensembles (standalone).
Conformer-Search: This repository outlines a workflow for searching minimum energy conformers based on force field optimization methods (UFF and MMFF94) using RDKit.
Frog2: standalone and online.
GuideMol: A tool for guiding molecular design through machine learning models.
PrepFlow: A Toolkit for Chemical Library Preparation and Management for Virtual Screening (not 3D per se) (standalone).
Unicon: from file conversion between standard formats SDF, MOL2, SMILES, and PDB via the generation of 2D structure coordinates and 3D structures to the enumeration of tautomeric forms, protonation states and conformer ensembles
confgen-webapp: A simple web application for generating small ligand conformers for docking purposes using RDKit, accessible at
molli: molli: A General Purpose Python Toolkit for Combinatorial Small Molecule Library Generation, Manipulation, and Feature Extraction
smi2sdf3d: 3D diverse conformers generation using rdkit (Python) (standalone).